Benefits of Massage
Massage therapy, or soft tissue manipulation, works to break up fibrotic muscle tissue, and create therapeutic inflammation.
When a muscle is “fibrous” it feels tender to touch, often has a dull achy or sharp pain associated with it. Massage therapy mechanically breaks up these adhesions. This is important not only to decrease pain for the individual but to allow the muscles to operate with ease and to their full potential.
Muscles contract by sliding filaments called “sarcomeres” gliding over the top of each other. When muscle turns fibrous, the sliding is restricted. Like spaghetti without oil, the filaments no longer glide along each other, and contraction is affected. By mechanically breaking up these adhesions, you are essentially adding oil to your spaghetti.
But how does this work? The amazing thing about massage therapy is that it doesn’t actually do the hard work for you, rather prompts your body to heal itself. You’re doing all the hard work! By breaking up fibrous muscle tissue, the body is prompted to relay and realign its soft tissue. Creating a healthier muscle and optimizing its contractile possibility.
Furthermore, when someone experiences massage, and the health benefits associated along with it, they are actually experiencing therapeutic inflammation. When the body is “inflamed” its blood vessels dilate, causing their skins to become more permeable, allowing an increased delivery of nutrients and oxygen through blood to the site of issue.
Physical & Emotional Benefits of Massage
reduced muscle tension
improved circulation
stimulation of the lymphatic system
increased delivery of oxygen and nutrients to soft tissue
reduction of stress hormones
increased joint mobility and flexibility
improved skin tone
improved recovery of soft tissue injuries
heightened mental alertness
reduced anxiety and depression
increased metabolism of metabolic wastes (e.g. lactic acid)
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