Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

"The human body is a microcosm of the universe, governed by the same forces of nature—yin and yang, heat and cold, inner and outer. Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches us that health comes from balancing these forces, allowing us to live in harmony with the seasons, the elements, and ourselves."
— Livia Kohn

Acupuncture - Chinese Herbs - Cosmetic Acupuncture - Motor Point Acupuncture - Cupping - Massage -

Acupuncture - Chinese Herbs - Cosmetic Acupuncture - Motor Point Acupuncture - Cupping - Massage -

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Acupuncture, Motor Point & Trigger Point Needling - Chinese Herbal Medicine

Available: MON, THURS, FRI

Over the years I've had plenty of experience helping people with a wide range of complaints such as chronic pain, sporting injuries, headaches, migraines, stress, IBS, gut issues, insomnia, fertility, women’s health and pregnancy support.

Additionally, part of my practice has become focused on helping those suffering from complex chronic health conditions such as autoimmunity, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue (CFS / ME), post-viral syndromes, mystery illnesses, etc.

I’ve learned a lot from working through my own chronic health issues and continue to learn in the hope to better guide others through the tangled maze of regaining their health.

Let's get you feeling like yourself again.

All private Health rebates available


Acupuncture & Cosmetic Acupuncture -  Chinese Herbal Medicine - Facial Sculpting Massage -   Lymphatic Drainage - Remedial Massage -  Pregnancy Massage -  Gua Sha -  Cupping

Available: TUES & SUN

Lina is a highly experienced acupuncturist with 10 years of practice, focusing on a wide range of areas including pain management, mental health, women's health, fertility, fatigue, digestive health, and cosmetic acupuncture. Lina developed a strong interest in musculoskeletal health during her Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine at WSU. She further enhanced her expertise by gaining clinical experience in Korea and China. In addition, Lina pursued a course in Cosmetic Acupuncture & Dermatology, which focuses not only on the skin’s surface but also on promoting inner health to support beauty from within.

All Private Health Rebates Available

Master of Health Science (Chinese Medicine)
Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Diploma of Remedial Massage
Certificate of Cosmetic Acupuncture & Dermatology


Acupuncture - Chinese Herbs - Cupping - Massage

Available: MON, TUES, WED

The true value of health & well-being is impossible to measure.

For that reason, the ancient Chinese sages considered our health as an essential treasure, something to be guarded closely and nurtured daily.

Sometimes, we need some very real help, sometimes just a nudge in the right direction.

Wherever you find your current state of health, I offer you a range of holistic therapies delivered with care, empathy, skill and understanding in a grounded and supportive space.

I work with each person to help them to slow down and re-connect with themselves, nurture their bodies own internal wisdom and to heal naturally.

Change can and does happen.

I encourage you to take a positive step towards a calmer, pain-reduced, grounded & healthier you.

APHRA registered Acupuncturist/Chinese herbalist & Remedial Massage therapist.

All private Health rebates available

"Traditional Chinese Medicine sees illness not as an isolated event, but as a reflection of a deeper imbalance. Healing comes from addressing the whole person—physical, emotional, and spiritual—bringing all aspects of life into alignment to restore harmony and vitality."
— Dr. Ted Kaptchuk